A little girl with a Hooray Heroes personalized birthday book and balloons.

Your Guide To Buying Personalised Birthday Gifts On a Budget

A little girl with a Hooray Heroes personalised birthday book and balloons.

Spending less doesn’t mean caring less. Keep reading to get the best tips on how to buy the perfect personalised birthday gift without draining your bank account.

1. Search for discounted items

There are always regular sales taking place at Hooray Heroes throughout the year. Why would you pay more if you could keep your eye on our social media platforms (or sign up to our mailing list), wait to be notified about the start of a new sale and get the same personalised birthday gift for 20 or 30 % less?

2. Opt for soft covers

Secondly, a soft cover is a great alternative to the more costly hard cover. It’s also more child-friendly and it saves some precious space on your bookshelf. Check out our wide selection of soft cover personalised books, create the best personalised birthday gift there is and save money while doing it.

3. Who says you need to BUY a personalised birthday gift?

Is there anything better than a free gift? Especially one that you can just print out at home! We’ve got personalised birthday cards, personalised coupons for mums, personalised colouring books for kids and couples, personalised plaques for mums and dads, and even personalised mobile wallpapers for your pets and soulmates.

4. A great birthday party is the best birthday gift!

Throwing your favourite birthday girl or boy a birthday party is a nice way of showing them how much they mean to you. Much nicer in fact than buying some generic gift from a shop. Take your time, think up a birthday party theme, make a playlist of music they like, bake a cake and make their birthday truly unforgettable.

A big family birthday party in a garden.

You can get all your personalised birthday essentials at Hooray Heroes!

Check out our cute personalised birthday invitations, party hats, name tags, and stickers

…and an awesome personalised birthday colouring book for our younger birthday boys and girls.

Personalised kids happy birthday colouring pages by Hooray Heroes.

Did you like our free birthday stuff? Then you’ll love our personalised birthday book that was voted “the best birthday gift ever” by happy customers around the globe.

Choose the birthday wishes you would like to see in your book, personalise the birthday boy or girl, write a funny/emotional/honest dedication and make their birthday special by giving them a gift that they never even knew existed!

The bestselling personalised Happy Birthday book by Hooray Heroes.

TIP: Pairs amazing well with our free personalised birthday colouring book!

Want to include a significant other, a pet, or a kid in your personalised birthday gift? We’ve got you covered with a range of more than 40 different personalised books that make for the perfect personalised birthday gifts.